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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

sleepless in taichung

For the past few weeks, I've been having the hardest time trying to get to sleep at night and getting good sleep. I'll get into bed hopefully by 1 or 2am and then toss and turn until falling in a state of amphibasleep where I'm half sleeping, half awake for almost the rest of the night. As you can see, it's almost 4am here now. I have tried a lot of things, at first I thought it was my bed (which it still might be), but I think my bed is fine for now. I have cut out caffeine (which means tea!) for the past 2 days to no avail. Listening to music, praying, listening to sermons, even reading the Bible haha....just keep me up. Even when I pretty much stay up the whole night one day, the next night will be exactly the same, where I still can't sleep until very late. It is, for the lack of a better word, discouraging. It's thrown my days completely off. A friend and fellow missionary here told me that the longer she's been in Taiwan, the more and more she realizes that it's a pretty dark place. I fully agree, and after reading "The Screwtape Letters", chalk up another possibility of why I can't go to sleep. So if I may ask, would you please pray that I'll be able to get some good rest and that if there is something evil in here that it would leave. Also, pray that I would find a job soon. By the way, I hope you're having a great holiday so far.



Blogger Michael Turton said...

There's nothing evil going on. Insomnia is a common problem when one is lonely, depressed, out of synch, moved to a foreign country, etc. it may even be your diet, drinking all that tea can catch up to you at night!

Taiwan is not "a dark place" but a complex and interesting one, full of energy and life. I hope you learn to enjoy your time here, or insomnia will be something you often encounter!


5:00 AM

Blogger Michael Turton said...

BTW, perhaps there is something in your cold medication keeping you awake -- they often fill that stuff with caffiene or other uppers. Check it out and see.


5:03 AM


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