2 more months
I can't believe that I only have 2 more months left in Taiwan! I've been in the midst of feeling excited to go home yet saddened to leave this place.
I apologize for not updating this as often as I would like. The past few weeks have been really crazy for me. I just recently started a full-time job at my roommate's school working 9-6pm everyday (until the end of june) and have tutoring til 9pm two nights a week. Needless to say, I have been exhausted. It has been fun but a challenge teaching grades 2-4, but it has definitely taken a toll on me. Not to mention the food poisoning I got a few weeks ago. However I thank God that I have the opportunity to work and getting to know the other teachers and students has been a blessing.
Kevin and I have also been playing music the past few Sunday nights at a little shaved ice shop near a night market. It has been fun.
I'm eager to get back home and see all of you. If you have time, I would love to hear from you and how you're doing! You can reach me at wesley.tao@gmail.com.
I miss you all

(Me and my Chinese teacher at school)
Very nice site! » » »
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