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Thursday, April 13, 2006

final destination-ish

So I was making my usual tuna for the week and was putting a new trash bag for the aluminum cans in our little storage closet on the side of our kitchen, when a gust of air from who knows where, came and blew the door behind me shut and at the same time latched the door so I could not get out. I was home alone and no one would be home for a few hours. So I tried to see if it was really shut and latched, because sometimes the door just gets stuck. I pressed against the door with my right hand and pressed against the glass unknowingly with my left hand when "crash!" I broke through the glass with my left hand shattering it and getting bloodied up in the meantime. My left arm thankfully only suffered minor cuts. I forgot to take pictures of the door, because I just had the glass replaced today. It was a pretty freaky experience. All that to say that it was very final destination-ish. Thankfully Jesus "intervened" and it skipped me. haha. good times.


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