t for taiwan

Thank you guys for your prayers and support, it really means a lot. And God has been answering! This week one of the foreign missionaries referred me to a friend she has that works for a huge magazine/radio/TV company that focuses on teaching English. She was searching for teachers to help her out with a few jobs and I was still looking for a jobs, so it was a great match. I just started a tutoring gig Mon. & Tues. prepping a high school student for her college interview. She's really cool and her mom is very nice as well. That is only until mid April. Also, I just met with the director of a junior high school and they want me to come every thursday to teach conversational English to 3 classes of Jr. highers. On top of that there are a couple of ladies that own a sweet steak/mongolian bbq buffet chain that want more help with their English as well as their kids and want me to tutor them on Wednesdays. So right now I have about 12-14 hours of tutoring a week. It is really a huge blessing because I have been in need of a job since I came here and the way it looks now, this is better than what I wanted, because now I have a lot more time to serve compared to if I had a full time job.
I've also had more opportunities to serve doing what I love; playing music. I've been able to lead worship at the Zhong Hsing Bible Study the past few weeks. This week I'll be playing guitar on the worship team for the first time for the two sunday morning services. I'm also leading worship this friday at the Tower ministry. Also for Tower, we'll play outside and pass out fliers to invite people to come. I'm excited. Freely we received, freely we give. right?
I have also been trying to finish my grad school essays, it's taking longer and is harder than I expected. I hope to finish them by this week. Technically I need to finish them by this week.
I've also been missing home a lot more lately, but my mom just told me the other day that her and my eleven year-old brother Derek are going to come out to visit me on April 15th. I am very excited to be able to see them and especially excited for Derek because this will be the first time out of the country I think and plus I miss the guy.
As I look at my schedule I realize that i have a load of stuff on my plate, please pray for wisdom and that I'll manage my time well and learn to pick the "better" from the loads of "good".
(my chinese name)
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